Industrial Site Services
From the Head Office here in Leeds our experienced industry support professionals can arrange the following services for you and/or your customer when you need waste disposal in Leeds and the North.
- Site Waste Audit
- Site Decontamination
- Site Decommissioning
- Waste Classification
- Hazardous Waste Removal
- Non-Hazardous Waste Removal
- Contaminated Land Removal
- Contaminated Groundwaters Removal
- Emergency Response
- Tank Cleaning and Decommissioning
Risk and Method Statements
All our services are carried out by fully trained and licenced operatives/ drivers to the highest levels of regulatory compliance and are fully auditable. ISO:14001 approved Risk(s) and Method Statements (RAMS) can be provided for all works undertaken.
The current and ongoing changes in environmental legislation greatly affect the remediation and development of land so it is imperative that you as a builder, developer or remediation company are fully aware of how this legislation affects you. OEL offer a comprehensive service to ensure the correct, legal and most cost-effective course of action.
- Government Guidance Hazardous Waste Producers And Holders
- Waste Duty Of Care Code Of Practice
- Environmental Protection Act 1990
- Government Regulations: waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
- Land Contamination: Government Technical Guidance
- Land Contamination Risk Management (LCRM)
- Guidance On Applying The Waste Hierarchy
We are able to offer a testing and waste evaluation service for both Bulk Liquid Effluents and Packaged and Containerised Waste which not only provides a bespoke analysis, including WAC, COD, Metals, TPH, VOC, and PAH to suit your individual requirements, but we will also advise on the actual waste designation, i.e. Hazardous or Non-Hazardous waste and then applying the Waste Hierarchy plus the accompanying Best Available Technique (BAT) advise you on the most cost effective and compliant solution for your waste recycling, recovery or disposal needs which can have dramatic cost reduction implications for your company.
From industrial tank cleaning to hazardous waste Recycling, Recovery and Disposal, we can offer you the most efficient, compliant and cost-effective service available for waste disposal in Leeds and the North.

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Help and Advice
We are always on hand to help and advice you on the most cost-effective and compliant Site Services when you require waste disposal in Leeds and the North.